번호 제목 게재수준 게재일자

Yield, functional properties and nutritional compositions of leafy vegetables with dehydrated food waste and spent coffee grounds

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2024-02-27
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2024-02-27

2006 기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체 가이드라인에 따른 벼재배 및 농경지토양 온실가스 배출량 변화 분석

학진등재학술지 2024-02-15
학진등재학술지 2024-02-15

Effects of nutrient-coated biochar amendments on the growth and elemental composition of leafy vegetables

학진등재학술지 2023-12-01
학진등재학술지 2023-12-01

Practical significance of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in sustainable agriculture: a review

학진등재학술지 2023-12-01
학진등재학술지 2023-12-01

Effects of organic amendments on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) growth and soil chemical properties in acidic and non-acidic soils

학진등재학술지 2023-12-01
학진등재학술지 2023-12-01

Effects of biochar-based fertilizer on ammonia volatilization under controlled conditions

학진등재학술지 2023-09-30
학진등재학술지 2023-09-30

Statistical Estimation of Soil Carbon Stocks in Chungcheong Province through Digital Soil Mapping and Multiple Linear Regression

학진등재학술지 2023-08-31
학진등재학술지 2023-08-31

Effect of pyrolysis conditions on chemical properties of carbonized rice husks for efficient NH4+ adsorption

SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2023-08-01
SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) 2023-08-01

Effect of Water Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Rice Paddies Using a Slow-release Fertilizer

SCOPUS 2023-06-30
SCOPUS 2023-06-30

Effects of application rate and pH of carbonized rice husk on the reduction of NH3 volatilization and soil quality

학진등재학술지 2023-06-01
학진등재학술지 2023-06-01